The Bathroom Routine Report

UK Bathroom Habits Revealed

How much time do you waste waiting for others to free up the bathroom? 

29% of British homeowners who share their space with others get irritated several days a week due to excessive bathroom occupancy. The average wait time? A staggering 6 minutes a day! Married couples wait even longer, clocking in at 8 minutes on average. In a year, this equates to 1.52 days spent queuing for the loo!

How Long Do We Wait to Use the Bathroom?

How long do you spend taking a shower/bath a day? 

Millennials and Gen Z rule the roost in the bathroom, spending an average of 18 and 17 minutes daily, respectively, compared to just 11 minutes for those aged 65 and above. On average, it’s 14 minutes a day - that’s 7 hours a month, or 3.55 days a year! 43% of men believing their female partners spend more time in the bathroom than they do, compared to just 23% of women who feel the reverse.

How Much Time Do People Spend Showering or Bathing?

What are the most annoying bathroom habits?

Top irritants for homeowners living with others include failing to replace empty toilet rolls (34%), leaving soap or toothpaste stains in the sink (22%), and leaving dirty cups strewn about (22%). A further one in five are bothered by hair in the sink or drain (21%), and fume over the failure to put the toilet seat down (20%)!

What Are the Most Annoying Bathroom Habits?

What parts of our body don’t we wash? 

Alarmingly, 35% of people don’t proactively wash their underarms and genitals, and almost two thirds (64%) don’t take the time to cleanse their bellybuttons. Surprisingly, 60% forget to wash their toes as 52% of Brits clean from the head downwards… better think twice next time you offer that foot rub! Only 58% of women wash their breasts proactively in the shower. Additionally, ears rank as the least washed body part, with a mere 34% of respondents including them in their hygiene regimen. 

What Parts of the Body Do We Wash in the Shower?

People tell us about their bathroom routines


How often do you take a shower/bath?

Just over half of us shower or bath at least once a day, while 20% do it every other day, and 20% a few times a week. That leaves 8% of us that only shower or bath once a week or less. Perhaps bath night is still a thing. Men are slightly cleaner than women with 53% cleaning at least once a day versus 51% of women. A staggering 70% of Londoners get clean at least once a day, with 18% even doing it twice a day, whereas only 33% of people in Northern Ireland do it once a day. Meanwhile, people living on their own shower or bath the least with only 42% doing it at least daily. 

How Often Do People Shower or Bath?

When do we use the bathroom to shower/bath?

The report also delves into the great shower versus bath debate, uncovering that 45% prefer a daily shower, with just under half (49%) favouring morning showers. Yorkshire and the Humber prefer morning shower/baths the least (41%). Coverage might have something to do with it, as a quarter (27%) say they have to shower after a bath to clean themselves properly. Moreover, 37% are surprisingly comfortable sharing the bathroom, even while someone else is using the toilet!

Morning and Evening Showers

How often do we clean the bathroom? 

Brits are incredibly diligent about bathroom cleanliness. A whopping 79% clean their bathrooms weekly, and 24% do it daily! These findings reflect a commitment to maintaining a hygienic bathroom environment. Females are more proactive – 84% clean the bathroom weekly, versus 73% of men. 85% of 18-34 year olds clean it weekly too – the most of any age group, perhaps showing cleaning trends on social media are the driving force? 74% of people in the South East clean it weekly, the lowest of any region. Single people clean it the least with only 68% cleaning it weekly.

How Often Do People Clean Their Bathrooms?

What do we do in the bathroom?

Prepare to be amused by the quirky things Brits admit to doing in the bathroom! A quarter (23%) have cried, 23% have indulged in reading, and 21% have engaged in romance within those four walls.

And in the shower or bath itself? Well, 14% of us pee in the shower (though 17% of men admit to doing so), which is more than we listen to music (11%). And we’re just as likely to shower with our pets as we are with our children (2%).

What Unexpected Things Do People Do In the Bathroom?

How important Is the bathroom when buying/renting a new place? 

While 87% were happy with the tidiness of their bathroom, 60% of people feel their bathrooms need an upgrade. Bathrooms are also a big deal for those in the market for a new home. 83% say nice bathrooms are very important when buying or renting a new place, emphasising the importance of bathroom aesthetics in property decisions. There’s envy in the air too, as a quarter of people (25%) said they compare their friends’ and family’s bathrooms with their own.

How Important is a Bathroom When Buying a House?

Improve Bathroom Routines With These Products

Read more about the Bathroom Routine Report 2023 and the UK Bathroom Habits

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